A personalized amusement park application catering to individual user preferences and needs worldwide.

The problem

The challenge arises from the vast array of preferences and requirements among amusement park visitors worldwide, necessitating the creation of a personalized experience platform that can seamlessly adapt to individual needs, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement while addressing the complexities of catering to a diverse audience.

The idea

For an application catering to amusement parks worldwide, the UI/UX design focuses on personalization, offering tailored experiences to users based on their individual preferences and needs. This entails intuitive navigation, dynamic content presentation, and seamless integration of features to ensure users can easily plan and enjoy their park visits with maximum satisfaction.

Personas & Pain points

  • Fiona Goode

    Family oriented

    Fiona wants to plan a memorable trip to an amusement park with her family, but she feels overwhelmed by the sheer number of attractions and entertainment options available. She struggles to find activities that appeal to both adults and children and wishes there was a way to personalize her park experience.

  • Tyler Marsh

    Thrill seeking

    Tyler is an adrenaline junkie who loves thrill rides and extreme attractions, but he often finds it difficult to locate the most exciting experiences within an amusement park. He wishes there was a way to discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path attractions that cater to his adventurous spirit.

  • Brian Parks

    Budget conscious

    Brian is on a tight budget and wants to make the most of his visit to an amusement park without breaking the bank. He struggles to find affordable dining options and attractions with minimal wait times, leading to frustration and disappointment during his park visits.

Design goals

  • Create a user-friendly interface that caters to Fiona's family-centric needs, offering personalized recommendations for attractions and entertainment based on her family's interests and preferences. Implement intuitive filtering and sorting options to help Fiona quickly find activities suitable for all ages.

  • Curate a tailored experience for Tyler that highlights the park's most thrilling rides and attractions, using personalized recommendations and interactive maps to guide him to the adrenaline-pumping experiences he craves. Implement social sharing features to allow Tyler to share his experiences with friends and fellow thrill-seekers.

  • Provide Brian with cost-saving tips and recommendations for budget-friendly dining and entertainment options within the park. Implement features that allow Brian to track wait times, plan his itinerary efficiently, and take advantage of discounts and promotions to maximize the value of his visit.

Rapid sketching

Rapidly sketch different user flows for navigating the park's attractions, focusing on intuitive map layouts, personalized recommendation features, and quick access to essential information such as wait times and ride details.


The wireframe illustrates a user interface with personalized recommendation features and an intuitive map layout for easy navigation within the amusement park. This wireframe aims to enhance the park-goer experience by providing tailored recommendations and facilitating seamless exploration of park attractions, ultimately maximizing visitor satisfaction and engagement.

Final design
