A sleep tracking application that monitors and provides real-time data on sleep patterns for users with various sleep issues.

The problem

The issue at hand centers on the difficulty individuals with sleep problems face in accurately monitoring and understanding their sleep patterns, as existing solutions often lack real-time capabilities and comprehensive data analysis tools, hindering users' ability to effectively manage their sleep health and well-being

The idea

For an application designed to assist users with sleep problems by providing real-time monitoring and data analysis of their sleeping habits, the UI/UX design emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and accessibility. It features intuitive navigation, clear visualizations of sleep data, and user-friendly controls to empower individuals to better understand and manage their sleep patterns effectively.

Personas & Pain points

  • Rachel Williams

    Professional dancer

    Struggles to prioritize sleep amidst her demanding schedule and requires simplified data interpretation to manage her sleep health effectively.

  • James Lee

    Fitness enthusiast

    Aims to optimize sleep quality for physical performance but faces challenges in monitoring sleep patterns without integrated fitness trackers.

  • Maya Garcia

    New parent

    Navigates sleep disruptions caused by her newborn and seeks insights and recommendations to improve her sleep patterns amidst parenthood's challenges.

Design goals

  • Simplify sleep data interpretation for busy professionals like Rachel.

  • Integrate with fitness trackers for enthusiasts like James to monitor sleep quality.

  • Provide insights and recommendations for new parents like Maya to improve sleep patterns.

Rapid sketching

Sketch out different interface designs for sleep tracking features, including options for entering sleep data, viewing sleep trends, and receiving personalized insights and recommendations, enabling quick iteration and refinement based on user needs and


The wireframe depicts a user-friendly interface for entering sleep data, viewing sleep trends, and accessing personalized insights and recommendations. This wireframe was developed to simplify sleep tracking and analysis, empowering users to understand their sleep patterns better and make informed decisions to improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Final design
