A website enabling users to generate personalized resumes from a diverse range of templates and samples, fostering unique and impactful expressions.

The problem

Amidst a competitive job market, the problem lies in the struggle individuals face to craft resumes that stand out and effectively communicate their unique skills and experiences to potential employers, as conventional templates and approaches often fail to capture the attention of recruiters amidst the deluge of applications they receive.

The idea

For a website facilitating the creation of personalized resumes, the UI/UX design is centered around providing a seamless and intuitive experience for users. It features a diverse range of templates and samples, ensuring users have ample options to choose from. The interface prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, allowing users to effortlessly customize their resumes to reflect their unique skills and experiences. Additionally, the design encourages users to craft impactful expressions, empowering them to stand out in their job applications.

Personas & Pain points

  • Michael Taylor

    Recent graduate

    Lacks professional experience and finds it challenging to craft a compelling resume that showcases his skills effectively.

  • Laura Anderson

    Career changer

    Faces difficulty in highlighting transferable skills relevant to his new career path and seeks guidance and resources to navigate the transition effectively.

  • Daniel Martinez

    Mid-career professional

    Struggles to condense years of experience into a concise resume and requires advanced customization options to tailor her profile for career advancement.

Design goals

  • Offer templates tailored for recent graduates like Michael.

  • Provide advanced customization options for professionals like Laura.

  • Offer guidance and resources for career changers like Daniel to highlight transferable skills.

Rapid sketching

Use rapid sketching to explore various resume template designs, layout options, and customization features, allowing for quick visualization of different styling elements and content arrangements to cater to diverse user preferences and industry standards.


he wireframe showcases a variety of resume template options and customization features, allowing users to easily create professional resumes tailored to their unique backgrounds and preferences. This wireframe addresses the need for a user-friendly platform that streamlines the resume-building process, offering flexibility and guidance to help users craft impactful resumes that stand out to employers.
