An internal corporate application providing comprehensive sales analytics for both physical and digital products.

The problem

The problem lies in the intricate nature of sales data within corporate environments, where diverse sources of information need to be synthesized and analyzed to extract meaningful insights, posing a challenge for decision-makers who require clear and actionable intelligence to drive business strategies effectively

The idea

For an internal corporate application providing comprehensive sales analytics for both physical and digital products, the UI/UX design would prioritize intuitive navigation and clear data visualization, ensuring stakeholders can easily access and interpret valuable insights to drive informed decision-making.

Personas & Pain points

  • Sarah Johnson

    Data analyst

    Proficient in deciphering complex sales data, seeks to distill information into actionable insights, but struggles due to the interface's complexity.

  • Mark Thompson

    Sales manager

    Aims to track performance metrics effectively for departmental success but faces challenges in customizing dashboards to suit his specific needs.

  • Lisa Rodriguez

    Marketing executive

    Requires clear visualizations to inform strategic decisions but finds it difficult to interpret the data due to its complexity.

Design goals

  • Ensure the interface is intuitive for data analysts like Sarah.

  • Provide customizable dashboards for sales managers like Mark.

  • Offer clear visualizations for executives like Lisa to make informed decisions

Rapid sketching

Utilize rapid sketching to visualize various dashboard layouts and data visualization techniques, allowing for quick exploration of different design options and stakeholder feedback before moving to digital prototyping..


The wireframe presents a dashboard layout showcasing key sales metrics and trends, designed to provide a clear overview for decision-makers. This wireframe was created to streamline access to critical sales data, promoting data-driven decision-making and enhancing efficiency in analyzing sales performance.

Final design

The wireframe presents a dashboard layout showcasing key sales metrics and trends, designed to provide a clear overview for decision-makers. This wireframe was created to streamline access to critical sales data, promoting data-driven decision-making and enhancing efficiency in analyzing sales performance.
