A web-based application for users with sleep problems, offering real-time monitoring and data analysis of their sleep habits.

The problem

The issue at hand centers on the difficulty individuals with sleep problems face in accurately monitoring and understanding their sleep patterns, as existing solutions often lack real-time capabilities and comprehensive data analysis tools, hindering users' ability to effectively manage their sleep health and well-being

The idea

For an application designed to assist users with sleep problems by providing real-time monitoring and data analysis of their sleeping habits, the UI/UX design emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and accessibility. It features intuitive navigation, clear visualizations of sleep data, and user-friendly controls to empower individuals to better understand and manage their sleep patterns effectively.

Personas & Pain points

  • Olivia Patel

    Professional athlete

    Training for upcoming competitions, prioritizing physical recovery and optimal sleep. She struggles with achieving sufficient deep sleep and recovery due to rigorous training schedules and physical exertion.

  • Ryan Miller

    Frequent traveler

    Often experiencing jet lag and disrupted sleep patterns due to changing time zones. He faces challenges in adjusting to new environments and time zones, leading to fatigue, sleep disturbances, and difficulty maintaining a regular sleep schedule.

  • Hannah Nguyen

    Full-time mother

    Caregiver for her young children, balancing childcare responsibilities with her own need for restful sleep. She experiences interrupted sleep due to nighttime awakenings and childcare duties, leading to chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue.

Design goals

  • Develop features for tracking and managing sleep disruptions, such as logging nighttime awakenings and identifying patterns in sleep disturbances.

  • Provide detailed analysis of sleep stages, including REM and deep sleep, to optimize recovery and performance.

  • Offer tools for tracking and managing sleep quality while traveling, allowing Ryan to monitor his sleep patterns and make adjustments as needed.

Rapid sketching

Sketch out different interface designs for sleep tracking features, including options for entering sleep data, viewing sleep trends, and receiving personalized insights and recommendations, enabling quick iteration and refinement based on user needs and feedback.


he wireframe depicts a user-friendly interface for entering sleep data, viewing sleep trends, and accessing personalized insights and recommendations. This wireframe was developed to simplify sleep tracking and analysis, empowering users to understand their sleep patterns better and make informed decisions to improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Final design
